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The sanctuary

The sanctuary of Lourdes are the Biggest Place of pilgrimage since the Marian apparition in the eyes of Bernadette Soubirous. Four year after the announcement of the dogme by the pope Pie IX. This’s Our Lady of Lourdes.

The Sanctuary are constituted of Massabielle’s Grotto, 3 Basilica with Immaculate Conception Basilica, Basilica of Rosary and Saint Pie X Basilica. You have too a pasture. A welcome for sick people. The water fountain. The Baths and way of the Cross Low Stations. 

The Marian Apparitions

The first Marian Apparition was at Lourdes 11th February 1858 in the eyes of Bernadette Soubirous. She presented like Immaculate Conception. This event will be formalized the 18 January 1862. This event left it mark on the start religious practice for the town for Lourdes. 

Bernadette saw 18 Marian Apparitions with will have the effect of developing the myth of the Massabielle’s Grotto.

The Pilgrimages & Events

Lourdes is a center of pilgrimages who welcome international pilgrims during different period. 

Go to big friendly meeting, religious and spiritual in the course of the pilgrimages like the International Military Pilgrimage (PMI) during May, the National Pilgrimage during August or the Rosary Pilgrimage on October …

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